Internal Controls
Internal control is a process carried out by University management and personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives relating to operations, reporting and compliance. The internal control environment impacts the:
- Reliability and integrity of financial and operational information;
- Effectiveness and efficiency of operations;
- Safeguarding of assets; and
- Compliance with applicable policies, procedures, laws, rules, regulations, and contracts.
Benefits of Internal Controls
- Help prevent errors and irregularities from occurring. If errors or irregularities do occur, internal controls will help ensure they are detected in a timely manner.
- Encourage adherence to prescribed policies and procedures.
- Protect employees:
- By clearly outlining tasks and responsibilities,
- Providing checks and balances, and
- From being accused of misappropriations, errors or irregularities.
Internal Controls are everyone’s responsibility
- Management is responsible for establishing controls.
- Every employee plays a role in either strengthening or weakening the controls.
- Internal Audit performs evaluations and make recommendations to improve controls.
Internal Controls: Best Practices
Internal controls are the processes you and your staff, as well as the University’s administration, have developed to ensure that each unit is effectively managed. Below is a listing of best practices for internal controls (ICs) and the related University policy, if applicable.
Internal Control Self-Assessment
Internal Auditing works with the University community to strengthen internal controls, promote efficient and effective business processes and further the understanding of University policy. The Internal Control Self-Assessment Survey serves as a training tool to help budget officers assess the adequacy of internal controls in their areas.
The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The survey addresses common business processes and related internal controls and best practices for these processes. The survey will provide immediate feedback for areas where potential internal control weaknesses may exist. Internal Audit will follow up with a report that outlines your responses and recommendations for improvements, as needed.